Qi Gong for Emotional Health SKU: qehcd

We will guide you through six meditation tracks, the progression of which is designed to lead you through the various steps of the process and teach you to fuse and to absorb emotions into useable qi. 


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The meditations on this CD will teach you a step by step method for transforming unhelpful emotions into a digestable and nourishing energy that will benefit your health and longevity.  We will guide you through six meditation tracks, the progression of which is designed to lead you through the various steps of the process and teach you to fuse and to absorb emotions into useable qi. The foundation for these methods is cultivating your innate virtues – compassion and kindness, unconditional love, deep trust, integrity and strength, and wisdom and stillness. These virtues can then be used to transform and integrate imbalanced emotions, using either a more gentle approach to neutralize them or a more active approach to dissolve them.  With practice and experience, these meditations can be used in real time to internally resolve charged emotions and see yourself and others more clearly.